Terms of Use

This page (together with the documents referred to) will provide the terms of use that you can use for the website vietphongsaigon.com, applicable to both visitors and registered users. Please read the terms of use before you start using this website. By using our website, you indicate that you accept the terms of use and agree to abide by them. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please stop using our website.

We operate the website vietphongsaigon.com. We are VIET PHONG CROC COMPANY LIMITED, registered under the laws of Vietnam, with business code 0316809213 and our registered office is located at 43 Tran Huy Lieu, Ward 11, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City.


We operate the website vietphongsaigon.com. We are VIET PHONG CROC COMPANY LIMITED, registered under the laws of Vietnam, with business code 0316809213 and our registered office is located at 43 Tran Huy Lieu, Ward 11, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City.


Connection to our website is only temporary, and we reserve the right to withdraw or amend the service we provide without notice (see below). We will not be liable if our website is unavailable at any time or for any period.

We may restrict access to some parts of our website, or the entire website, to registered users with us.

If you choose, or you are provided with, a user identification code, password, or any other information as part of our security procedures, you must treat such information as confidential and not disclose it to any third party. We have the right to disable any user identification code or password, whether chosen by you or allocated by us, at any time, if we consider that you have failed to comply with any of the terms of these terms of use.

You are responsible for making all arrangements necessary for you to have access to our website. You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access our website through your internet connection are aware of these terms and comply with them.


You may only use the site for lawful purposes. You may not use our website in the following ways:

– In any way that breaches any applicable local, national, or international law or regulation.
– In any way that is unlawful or fraudulent, or has any unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect.
– For the purpose of harming or attempting to harm minors in any way.
– To send, knowingly receive, upload, download, use, or re-use any material that does not comply with our content standards (see below).
– To transmit, or procure the sending of, any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or promotional material or any other form of similar solicitation (spam).
– To transmit any data, send, or upload any material that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time-bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware, or any other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware.

You also agree not to:

– Reproduce, duplicate, copy, or re-sell any part of our website in contravention of the provisions of these terms of use.
– Access without authority, interfere with, damage, or disrupt any part of our website, any equipment or network on which our website is stored, any software used in the provision of our website, or any equipment or network or software owned or used by any third party.


We are the owner or the licensee of all intellectual property rights in our website, and in the material published on it, including but not limited to the name VIETPHONG.

You may print off one copy, and may download extracts, of any page(s) from our website for your personal reference and you may draw the attention of others within your organization to material posted on our website.

You must not modify the paper or digital copies of any materials you have printed off or downloaded in any way, and you must not use any illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences, or any graphics separately from any accompanying text.

Our status (and that of any identified contributors) as the authors of material on our website must always be acknowledged.

You must not use any part of the materials on our website for commercial purposes without obtaining a license to do so from us or our licensors.

If you print off, copy, or download any part of our website in breach of these terms of use, your right to use our website will cease immediately and you must, at our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials you have made.


Commentary and other materials posted on our website are not intended to amount to advice on which reliance should be placed. We, therefore, disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on such materials by any visitor to our website, or by anyone who may be informed of any of its contents.


We aim to update our website regularly and may change the content at any time. If necessary, we may suspend access to our website, or close it indefinitely. Any of the material on our website may be out of date at any given time, and we are under no obligation to update such material.


The material displayed on our website is provided without any guarantees, conditions, or warranties as to its accuracy. To the extent permitted by law, we, other members of our group of companies, and third parties connected to us hereby expressly exclude:

All conditions, warranties, and other terms that might otherwise be implied by statute, common law, or the law of equity.

Any liability for any direct, indirect, or consequential loss or damage incurred by any user in connection with our website or in connection with the use, inability to use, or results of the use of our website, any websites linked to it, and any materials posted on it, including, without limitation, any liability for:
– loss of income or revenue;
– loss of business;
– loss of profits or contracts;
– loss of anticipated savings;
– loss of data;
– loss of goodwill;
– wasted management or office time; and

Any other loss or damage of any kind, however arising and whether caused by tort (including negligence), breach of contract, or otherwise, even if foreseeable, provided that this condition shall not prevent claims for loss of or damage to your tangible property or any other claims for direct financial loss that are not excluded by any of the categories set out above.

This does not affect our liability for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, nor our liability for fraudulent misrepresentation or misrepresentation as to a fundamental matter, nor any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.


We process information about you in accordance with our privacy policy. By using our website, you consent to such processing and you warrant that all data provided by you is accurate.


Contracts for the supply of goods formed through our website vietphongsaigon.com are governed by our terms and conditions of supply.


We may from time to time provide interactive services on our site, including, without limitation:

– Chat rooms
– Bulletin boards
– Surveys
– Forums
– Polls
– Interactive services

Where we do provide any interactive service, we will provide clear information to you about the kind of service offered, if it is moderated and what form of moderation is used (including whether it is human or technical).

We will do our best to assess any possible risks for users (and in particular, for children) from third parties when they use any interactive service provided on our site, and we will decide in each case whether it is appropriate to use moderation of the relevant service (including what kind of moderation to use) in light of those risks. However, we are under no obligation to oversee, monitor or moderate any interactive service we provide on our site, and we expressly exclude our liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any interactive service by a user in contravention of our content standards, whether the service is moderated or not.

The use of any of our interactive services by a minor is subject to the consent of their parent or guardian. We advise parents who permit their children to use an interactive service that it is important that they communicate with their children about their online safety as moderation is not foolproof. Minors who are using any interactive service should be made aware of the potential risks to them.

Where we do moderate an interactive service, we will provide you with a means of contacting the moderator should a concern or difficulty arise.


Whenever you make use of a feature that allows you to upload material to our site, or to make contact with other users of our site, you must comply with the content standards set out below. You warrant that any such contribution does comply with those standards, and you indemnify us for any breach of that warranty.

Any material you upload to our website will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary, and we have the right to use, copy, distribute, and disclose to third parties any such material for any purpose. We also have the right to disclose your identity to any third party who is claiming that any material posted or uploaded by you to our site constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights, or of their right to privacy.

We will not be responsible or liable to any third party for the content or accuracy of any materials posted by you or any other user of our site.

We have the right to remove any material or posting you make on our

site if, in our opinion, such material does not comply with the content standards set out below.


You must not misuse our site by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs, or other material that is malicious or technologically harmful. You must not attempt to gain unauthorized access to our site, the server on which our site is stored, or any server, computer, or database connected to our site. You must not attack our site via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack.

By breaching this provision, you would commit a criminal offense under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such a breach, your right to use our site will cease immediately.

We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a distributed denial-of-service attack, viruses, or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data, or other proprietary material due to your use of our site or to your downloading of any material posted on it, or on any website linked to it.


In cases where our website contains links to other websites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for your information only. We do not control the content of those websites or resources and are not responsible for any loss or damage that may arise from using them.


We will determine at our discretion whether there have been violations of these terms of use. In the event of such violations, we may take actions that we deem appropriate.

Non-compliance with these terms of use may result in us taking all or any of the following actions:

– Immediate or temporary withdrawal of your access to our website.
– Immediate, temporary, or permanent removal of any posts or materials you have uploaded to our website.
– Legal proceedings against you to recover all costs on a compensatory basis (including but not limited to administrative and reasonable legal costs) arising from the violation.
– Further legal action against you.
– Disclosure of such information to law enforcement agencies that we deem necessary.
– We exclude liability for actions taken to address violations of these terms of use. The remedies described in these terms of use are not exclusive, and we may take any other actions we deem reasonable.


The courts in Vietnam will have exclusive jurisdiction over any claims arising from or related to visiting our site, although we retain the right to bring proceedings against you for violations of these terms in your country of residence or any other relevant country.

These terms of use and any disputes or claims arising from or related to us or our subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) will be governed and interpreted according to Vietnamese law.


We may modify these terms of use at any time by amending this page. We encourage you to check this page from time to time to take notice of any changes, as they will be binding on you. Some of the terms in these terms of use may also be replaced by terms or notices published elsewhere on our site.


If you have any issues with the materials appearing on our website, please contact us at vietphongsaigon@gmail.com.